WiFi / Media Converters.

Wi-Fi has become an integrated part of modern life we Rely on a fast stable signal to connect all our mobile devices, smart phones tablets, laptops, smart TVs etc within our Home or office

However, we so often find that this is not the case. Wi-Fi is slow or non-existent in parts of the property. Most service providers only supply a basic Router which so often does not cover the whole property and for those who live in a densely populated city environment Wi-Fi interference from neighbours can be a major headache.


To provide your property with a rock-solid fast Wi-Fi solution a direct cable run to one or more fast access points

We would test your current Wi-Fi coverage is lacking.

test speeds at various is points around the property.

Check your neighbours Wi-Fi to ascertain whether there is any channel interference.

  • interference check
  • Bandwidth check

We then place new access point or points and then retest speed and bandwidth.

Once placement has been decided we can then plan cable routes back to your Router, cables can be run externally if this proves to be the least disruptive method.

After the survey is complete we will provide to you with an accurate quotation for the work.